Village and Wilderness

The Microhabitat Resource Center

An open access resource for new and emerging microhabitat programs

The Microhabitat
Resource Center

An open access resource for new and emerging microhabitat programs

Microhabitat Program Manual:

A Guide For Startups & Community-based Organizations

This manual is a guide created by Village and Wilderness for community-based organizations seeking to initiate a microhabitat program of their own. The manual covers key considerations, from identifying a program’s purpose and strategies to choosing a yard sign and finding sources of native plants.  

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Supplemental Resources

To supplement the Manual, below you will find examples, where available, of different microhabitat program features from our practice community of established microhabitat programs. Each program’s materials are adapted to its own organizational and community context. 

Please note these examples link primarily to publicly available content on individual programs’ websites as of 12/31/2024. Please check these websites for the latest versions, in case of updates or link changes.

  • Bird Friendly Habitat Program, Forsyth Audubon: Property Visit and Certification Report template
  • Natural Neighbors, BiodiversityWorks: Example 1
  • Natural Neighbors, BiodiversityWorks: Example 2
  • Wildlife Sanctuary Program, Northern Virginia Bird Alliance: Site Report onlinepdf
  • Wildlife Sanctuary Program, Northern Virginia Bird Alliance: Site Recommendations templatesample