Village and Wilderness

Microhabitat Program Resource Center

An open access resource for new and emerging microhabitat programs

Microhabitat Program
Resource Center

An open access resource for new and emerging microhabitat programs

On-going research expands our understanding of how microhabitat programs impact species, ecosystem functions and human welfare. This information can influence how we design our programs, but few community-based organizations can afford subscriptions to the many peer-reviewed journals – or afford the time to search for or read them. In this bibliography we present references that we and our academic partners feel are important to the field. Most are found in Google Scholar and many are available free of charge. Where relevant, we have retained the Google Scholar template to facilitate access to the full paper when available.

A comparison of sweep net, yellow pan trap and malaise trap for sampling parasitic Hymenoptera in a backyard habitat in Kerala 

M Shweta, K Rajmohana – Entomon, 2018 –

The trapping efficiency of three main parasitic hymenopteran sampling gadgets, the sweep net (SN), yellow pan traps (YPT) and malaise trap (MT) was assessed in two periods …


A framework for catalysing the rapid scaling of urban biodiversity stewardship programs 

LM Mumaw, CM Raymond

Journal of Environmental Management, 2021 • Elsevier

Despite growing interest in promoting urban biodiversity conservation, there are few concrete examples of how nature stewardship initiatives can be rapidly scaled …


An unexpected backyard hunter: Breeding Barred Owls exhibit plasticity in habitat selection along a development gradient 

MA Clément, K Barrett, RF Baldwin

Despite extensive accounts in the literature describing Barred Owls (Strix varia) as obligate forest-interior species, Barred Owls have increasingly been observed in urbanized …


Artificial refuges provide post-fire habitat for small vertebrates

Darcy J. Watchorn ,Chris R. Dickman ,Aaron Greenville ,Barbara A. Wilson ,Mark J. Garkaklis , Don A. Driscoll , Pat Hodgens , Dayna Hoadley ,Heidi Groffen , Tim S. Doherty

School of Life and Environmental Sciences (Burwood Campus), Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia …


Assessing habitat connectivity for grounddwelling animals in an urban environment

S Braaker, M Moretti, R Boesch, J Ghazoul… – Ecological …, 2014 – Wiley Online Library

To ensure viable species populations in fragmented landscapes, individuals must be able to move between suitable habitat patches. Despite the increased interest in biodiversity …


A scaling law for predicting urban trees canopy cooling efficiency

J Wang, W ZhouSTA PickettY Qian Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024•

Urban heat mitigation is a pressing concern for cities. Intense urban heat poses a threat to human health and urban sustainability. Tree planting is one of the most widely …


Avifaunal use of wooded streets in an urban landscape

E FernándezJuricic – Conservation biology, 2000 – Wiley Online Library

Birds in urban landscapes primarily occupy parks (forest fragments), wooded streets (linear strips connecting fragments), or the urban matrix. I studied the effects of street location in the …


Backyard Bandicoots: What factors determine habitat suitability?

E Reynolds – 2020 –

With such a large percentage of Australia’s threatened species living in, or directly alongside, urban areas, conservation research is switching focus to the potential of these …


Backyard Biodiversity: An Analysis of Butterfly Richness and Abundance Within Suburban Habitat Types in Southeast Michigan

H Jiang – 2021 –

Urbanization, urban sprawl, and the resulting rural-urban gradient have had major impacts on biodiversity, but few studies have investigated their effects on butterfly species in …


Backyard Biomes: is anyone there? Improving public awareness of urban wildlife activity

LL FardellCR PaveyCR Dickman – Diversity, 2022 –

Wildlife are increasingly being found in urban habitats, and likely rely on some resources in suburban household yards, which exposes them to the effects of yard management and …


Backyard Wildlife Enhancement

G Yarrow – 2009 –

Backyard Wildlife Enhancement Page 1 1 Backyard Wildlife Enhancement Greg Yarrow, Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Extension Wildlife Specialist The first step in enhancing a …


Backyard biodiversity

G Brakey – Greening the City: bringing biodiversity back into the …, 2003 –

Much of the urban area of New Zealand is in either public or private land ownership. Biodiversity outside the public conservation lands includes farms, Māori land, urban …


Backyard wildlife habitat and fire safety: A guide for residents of Flagstaff fire

A Minard, C Peterson, D Vosick… – ERI Guides for …, 2006 –

Backyard Wildlife Habitat and Fire Safety Page 1 Residents of Flagstaff live in a beautiful area of the county—a region of volcanic mountains, deep canyons, crimson deserts, pines and …


Biodiversity in cities needs space: a metaanalysis of factors determining intraurban biodiversity variation

J Beninde, M Veith, A Hochkirch – Ecology letters, 2015 – Wiley Online Library

Understanding varying levels of biodiversity within cities is pivotal to protect it in the face of global urbanisation. In the early stages of urban ecology studies on intraurban biodiversity …


Biodiversity in the city: fundamental questions for understanding the ecology of urban green spaces for biodiversity conservation

CA LepczykMFJ AronsonKL EvansMA Goddard… – …, 2017 –

As urban areas expand, understanding how ecological processes function in cities has become increasingly important for conserving biodiversity. Urban green spaces are critical …


Biodiversity potential of burial places–a review on the flora and fauna of cemeteries and churchyards

V LökiB DeákAB Lukács A Molnár Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019 • Elsevier

During the past centuries human-induced land use changes resulted in a considerable loss of natural habitats worldwide. In transformed landscapes historical burial places such as cemeteries and churchyards can have the potential for biodiversity conservation …


Biodiversity in urban habitat patches

PG Angold, JP Sadler, MO Hill, A Pullin… – Science of the Total …, 2006 – Elsevier

We examined the biodiversity of urban habitats in Birmingham (England) using a combination of field surveys of plants and carabid beetles, genetic studies of four species of …


Birds and the city: urban biodiversity, land use, and socioeconomics

MW StrohbachD Haase,N Kabisch Ecology and Society, 2009 • JSTOR

We examined bird diversity in relation to land use and socioeconomic indicators in Leipzig, Germany. We used neighborhood diversity (ND) and bivariate correlation to show that the potential to experience biodiversity in a city …


The eastern population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) has dramatically declined in the last few decades, which is largely attributed …


Changing human behavior to conserve biodiversity 

D Veríssimo, K Blake, HB Flint … – Annual Review of …, 2024 –

Conservation of biodiversity is above all else an exercise in human persuasion. Human behavior drives all substantive threats to biodiversity; therefore, influencing it is the only path
to mitigating the current extinction crisis. …


Closing the gap: communicating to change gardening practices in support of native biodiversity in urban private gardens 

YM van Heezik, KJM Dickinson,C Freeman Ecology and society, 2012•JSTOR

Private gardens collectively comprise the largest green space in most cities and the greatest potential for increasing the extent of wildlife-friendly and native-dominated habitat, improving the quality of ecosystem services, and providing opportunities for urban dwellers to reconnect with nature …


Community Science and the Ecological Merits of Backyard Habitat Patches and Adjacent Green-Spaces for Urban Avian Species 

KS Gulick, N West, M Dresner – 2017 –

Fig 2. Backyards in increasing distance (mi) from Keller Woodlands and the mean
abundance and richness for the backyards and Keller Woodlands. Fig 7. The goals of


Complementary effects of pollination and biocontrol services enable ecological intensification in macadamia orchards 

KM Anders, C Westphal, VMG Linden, S WeierPJ TaylorI Grass

Ecological Applications, 2024Wiley Online Library

Fig 2. Backyards in increasing distance (mi) from Keller Woodlands and the mean
abundance and richness for the backyards and Keller Woodlands. Fig 7. The goals of


Connectivity loss in experimental pond networks leads to biodiversity loss in microbial communities

B Szabó, 

M Váczy‐Földi
CF Vad

K Palffy

TH Huynh… 

 – bioRxiv, 2024 –

Habitat fragmentation is among the most important global threats to biodiversity, however,the direct effects of its components including connectivity loss are …


Connectivity Loss in Experimental Pond Networks Leads to Biodiversity Loss in Microbial Metacommunities

B Szabó, 

M Váczy‐Földi
CF Vad

K Pálffy… 

 – Global Change …, 2024 – Wiley Online Library

Habitat fragmentation is among the most important global threats to biodiversity; however,the direct effects of its components including connectivity loss are …


Connectivity in urbanizing landscapes: The importance of habitat configuration, urban area size, and dispersal

BG Bierwagen – Urban ecosystems, 2007 – Springer

Human activities affect both the amount and configuration of habitat. These changes have
important ecological implications that can be measured as changes in landscape …


Conserving biodiversity in urbanizing areas: nontraditional views from a bird’s perspective

J MarzluffA Rodewald – Cities and the Environment …, 2008 –

We review common population and community-level responses of wildlife to urbanization,
and discuss how:(1) the amount and configuration of land cover and land use, and (2) the …


Contribution of prioritized urban nature-based solutions allocation to carbon neutrality

Nature Climate Change,
Nature-based solutions (NBS) are essential for carbon-neutral cities, yet how to effectively
allocate them remains a question …


Cooling efficacy of trees across cities is determined by background climate, urban morphology, and tree trait

Communications Earth & Environment,
Urban planners and other stakeholders often view trees as the ultimate panacea for mitigating urban heat stress …


Correcting common misconceptions to inspire conservation action in urban environments

K SoanesM SieversYE Chee… – Conservation …, 2019 – Wiley Online Library

Despite repeated calls to action, proposals for urban conservation are often met with
surprise or scepticism. There remains a pervasive narrative in policy, practice, and the public …


Corridor ecology: linking landscapes for biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation

JA HiltyATH KeeleyAM Merenlender, WZ Lidicker Jr – 2019 –

Migrating wildlife species across the globe face a dire predicament as their traditional
migratory routes are cut off by human encroachment. Forced into smaller and smaller …


Determining the effect of urbanization on generalist butterfly species diversity in butterfly gardens

D Di Mauro, T DietzL Rockwood – Urban ecosystems, 2007 – Springer

This study investigates the effects of urbanization on local butterfly populations and the role
of butterfly gardens in preserving regional butterfly diversity. Data are from 135 butterfly …


Direct and indirect effects of urban gardening on aboveground and belowground diversity influencing soil multifunctionality

S TreschD Frey
RCL Bayon
P Mäder
B Stehle A Fliessbach M Moretti
 Scientific Reports, 2019 •

This study investigates the effects of urbanization on local butterfly populations and the role
of butterfly gardens in preserving regional butterfly diversity. Data are from 135 butterfly


Do local and landscape context affect the attractiveness of flower gardens to bees?

DS Eldridge, A Khalil, JK Moulton, L Russo
Plos one,

This study investigates the effects of urbanization on local butterfly populations and the role
of butterfly gardens in preserving regional butterfly diversity. Data are from 135 butterfly …


Ecological connectivity networks in rapidly expanding cities

ANM NorR CorstanjeJA HarrisDR Grafius… – Heliyon, 2017 – Elsevier

Urban expansion increases fragmentation of the landscape. In effect, fragmentation
decreases connectivity, causes green space loss and impacts upon the ecology and …


Ecological connectivity research in urban areas

S LaPointN BalkenholJ Hale, J Sadler… – Functional …, 2015 – Wiley Online Library

The successful movement of individuals is fundamental to life. Facilitating these movements
by promoting ecological connectivity has become a central theme in ecology and …


Ecological networks and greenways: concept, design, implementation

RHG JongmanG Pungetti – 2004 –

The establishment of ecological networks in Europe and greenways in America has required
some of the most advanced applications of the principles of landscape ecology to land use …


Ecology and urban planning

J Niemelä – Biodiversity & Conservation, 1999 – Springer

Urban areas harbour diverse nature ranging from semi-natural habitats to wastelands, parks
and other highly human-influenced biotopes with their associated species assemblages …

Ecosystem services provided by urban gardens in Barcelona, Spain: Insights for policy and planning

M Camps-Calvet, J Langemeyer, L Calvet-Mir, E Gómez-Baggethun

Environmental Science & Policy, 2016 • Elsevier

In many European cities, urban gardens are seen as increasingly important components of urban green space networks. …

Non-native species have the potential to detrimentally affect native species through resource competition, disease transmission, and other forms of antagonism. The western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is one such species that has been widely introduced beyond its native range for hundreds of years. …


As urbanization progresses globally, there is a growing concern regarding the diminishing connection between humans and nature. Informal green spaces …


Mason Fidino, Heather A. Sander, Jesse S. Lewis, Seth B. Magle

To increase environmental equity in cities, it is imperative to better understand social–ecological disparities in biodiversity. …


Green roofs and green walls for biodiversity conservation: a contribution to urban connectivity?

F Mayrand, P Clergeau – Sustainability, 2018 –

Green roofs and walls have recently emerged as conservation tools, and they offer
promising additional opportunities to enhance biodiversity in cities. However, their …


Helping teachers to use their school’s backyard as an outdoor classroom: A report on the Watershed Learning Center Program

JL Kenney, HP Militana… – The Journal of …, 2003 – Taylor & Francis

Abstract The Watershed Learning Center (WLC) was developed by the Brandywine Valley
Association (BVA) to provide outdoor environmental lessons to schools on their own …


Homeowner associations as a vehicle for promoting native urban biodiversity
SB LermanVK TurnerC Bang
Ecology and Society, 2012 • JSTOR
The loss of habitat due to suburban and urban development represents one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. Conservation developments have emerged as a key player for reconciling new ex-urban residential development with ecosystem services…


Humanity for habitat: Residential yards as an opportunity for biodiversity conservation
SB LermanKL LarsonDL NarangoMA GoddardPP Marra
The primary threat to biodiversity is habitat loss and degradation. Private residential land (yards) encompass large proportions of urban, suburban, and rural spaces and is among the most rapidly expanding systems on Earth.


Importance of backyard habitat in a comprehensive biodiversity conservation strategy: a connectivity analysis of urban green spaces 

H Rudd, J Vala, V Schaefer – Restoration ecology, 2002 – Wiley Online Library

Connectivity has been an accepted goal in ecological restoration of wilderness areas for
some time, but it is a relatively new approach in urban areas. The connectivity analysis …


Improving Habitats for Wildlife in Your Backyard and Neighborhood

S Denkler –

Landscaping that attracts certain species can provide opportunities to enjoy nature and
might increase the value of your property, among other benefits. Habitats can be developed …


Improving the biodiversity in urban green spaces: A nature based approach

KR Castelli, AM Silva, JB Dunning Jr

Ecological Engineering, 2021 • Elsevier

Urban green spaces have the reputation of limited potential to support biodiversity and public places located in urbanized regions normally sustain low levels of biodiversity …


In our own backyard 

LW Adams – Journal of Urban Forestry, 1994 –

By Lowell W. Adams make no mistake, urbanization has a tremendous effect on wildlife. With
our continuing demand for more houses, more roads, more energy, and our advanced …


Insect-pollinated plants are first to disappear from overgrowing grasslands: Implications for restoring functional ecosystems

Virve Sõber ,Tsipe Aavik , Ants Kaasik , Meeli Mesipuu , Tiit Teder

Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, J. Liivi 2, 50409 Tartu, Estonia …


Insights and opportunities offered by a rapid ecosystem service assessment in promoting a conservation agenda in an urban biodiversity hotspot

PJ O’Farrell ,PML Anderson ,DC Le Maitre ,PM Holmes
Ecology and Society, 2012 • JSTOR

Regional and global scale ecosystem service assessments have demonstrated the socioeconomic value of protecting biodiversity and have been integrated into associated policy. Local government decision makers are still unsure of the applicability, return on investment, and usefulness of …


Integrating biodiversity conservation and sustainable use: lessons learned from ecological networks

G Bennett – 2004 –

IUCN’s 5th World Parks Congress (2003) concluded that parks should not exist as unique
islands, but need to be planned and managed as an integral part of the broader landscape …


Intensive farming drives long-term shift in avian community composition

JN Hendershot,  JR Smith, CB Anderson,  AD Letten-…Nature, 2020 –

Agricultural practices constitute both the greatest cause of biodiversity loss and the
greatest opportunity for conservation 1, 2, given the shrinking scope of protected areas in many…


Landscape structure indices for assessing urban ecological networks

EA Cook – Landscape and urban planning, 2002 – Elsevier

Analysis and planning of ecological networks is a relatively new phenomenon and is a
response to fragmentation and deterioration of quality of natural systems. In urban areas, the …


Linking wilderness mapping and connectivity modelling: A methodological framework for wildland network planning

Y Cao, R Yang, S Carver – Biological Conservation, 2020 – Elsevier

Habitat fragmentation is one of the key drivers of global biodiversity loss. In this context,
connectivity modelling is increasingly important for effective conservation. Most previous …


Motivations for conserving urban biodiversity

DC DearbornS Kark – Conservation biology, 2010 – Wiley Online Library

In a time of increasing urbanization, the fundamental value of conserving urban biodiversity
remains controversial. How much of a fixed budget should be spent on conservation in …


Multi-habitat landscapes are more diverse and stable with improved function

Conservation in restoration and land management are increasingly implemented at landscape scales…

National Wildlife Federation®: Attracting Birds, Butterflies, and Other Backyard Wildlife

D Mizejewski – 2019 –

From renowned National Wildlife Federation naturalist and TV host David Mizejewski comes
a new book to show you how to create a magical ecosystem right in your backyard! Invite …


Native and exotic woody vegetation communities in domestic gardens in relation to social and environmental factors 

YM van Heezik C Freeman S Porter, KJM Dickinson
Ecology and Society, 2014•JSTOR

Vegetation in private gardens contributes significantly to plant species richness and vegetation volume across urban areas. Drivers of garden diversity and structure are complex, reflecting the diversity of social, cultural, and socioeconomic characteristics of the householders who manage …


Native plants are the bee’s knees: local and landscape predictors of bee richness and abundance in backyard gardens 

GL PardeeSM Philpott – Urban Ecosystems, 2014 – Springer

Urban gardens may support bees by providing resources in otherwise resource-poor
environments. However, it is unclear whether urban, backyard gardens with native plants …


T Croeser SA Bekessy GE Garrard H Kirk
Landscape and Urban Planning, 2024 • Elsevier

Protecting and enhancing biodiversity in urban areas is critical for meeting international conservation commitments…
Observed and Potential Range Shifts of Native and Nonnative Species with Climate Change 

Bethany A. Bradley,Evelyn M. Beaury ,Belinda Gallardo,Inés IbáñezCatherine Jarnevich, Toni Lyn Morelli, Helen R. Sofaer,  Cascade J.B. Sorte

There is broad concern that the range shifts of global flora and fauna will not keep up with climate change …


Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms

NF Wan, L Fu, M Dainese, LP Kiær, YQ Hu… – Nature …, 2025 –

Pesticides affect a diverse range of non-target species and may be linked to global
biodiversity loss. The magnitude of this hazard remains only partially understood


Pesticides have negative effects on non-target organisms

D Goulson

Pesticides affect a diverse range of non-target species and may be linked to global
biodiversity loss. The magnitude of this hazard remains only partially understood …


Planting a refuge for wildlife: How to create a backyard habitat for Florida’s birds and beasts 

S Cerulean, C Botha, D Legare, S Nardandrea – 1986 –

Preface a recent public opinion poll, 88 percent of all Floridians said it is important to know
that wild animals live around their homes. Yet millions of our residents don’t realize how …


Predicting native plant landscaping preferences in urban areas

MN Peterson, B Thurmond, M Mchale… – Sustainable Cities and …, 2012 – Elsevier

The rapidly growing physical footprint of cities makes understanding residential landscaping
preferences increasingly important for water quality, biodiversity conservation, and …


Public demand for information and assistance at the human–wildlife interface

KJ Lindsey, CE Adams – Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2006 – Taylor & Francis

Over 80% of Americans are now classified by the US Bureau of the Census as living in
urban areas. Urban populations are interested in a variety of “non-traditional” wildlife issues …


As urbanization progresses globally, there is a growing concern regarding the diminishing connection between humans and nature. Informal green spaces …


Residents’ drivers and barriers to participation in the Backyard Habitat Certification Program: Study of socio-ecological factors in Madison South neighborhood in NE … 

J Powel – 2014 –

As urban development fractures and reduces available habitat for birds and other wildlife,
conservationists are increasing pursuing strategies to improve the habitat value of privately …


Restoration, reconciliation, and reconnecting with nature nearby

JR Miller – Biological conservation, 2006 – Elsevier

Biotic homogenization is in many ways a function of spatial and temporal scale. Another
aspect of this phenomenon that perhaps receives somewhat less attention is related to “the …


Rocks and walls: Biodiversity and temperature regulation of natural cliffs and vertical greenery systems

– K Hecht, L Haan, HAB Wösten, P Hamel, S Swaminathan, A Jain
Building and Environment, 2025•Elsevier

Loss of natural habitats and increased human activity results in warming up of cities and a reduced biodiversity. Vertical greenery systems (VGSs) have been proposed to mitigate …


Sown wildflower meadows: Can they replace natural meadows in urban spaces for bees, butterflies and hoverflies?

Z BarbaraD ŁukaszJ AgataW Banaszak‐CibickaK KorneliaB MikołajG Jakub
 Ecological Entomology • Wiley Online Library

1. The decline in pollinator populations is partly due to human practices that have contributed to the loss of wild and flower‐rich habitats. In cities, especially city centres, …

Temporary conservation for urban biodiversity

M KattwinkelR BiedermannM Kleyer – Biological Conservation, 2011 – Elsevier

Urban habitats, particularly wastelands and brownfields, maintain rich biodiversity and offer
habitat for many species, even rare and endangered taxa. However, such habitats are also …

Global climate change disrupts key ecological processes and biotic interactions. The recent increase in heatwave frequency and severity prompts …


The neighborhood nestwatch program: participant outcomes of a citizen-science ecological research project

C Evans, E Abrams, R Reitsma, K Roux… – Conservation …, 2005 – JSTOR

Formal education is not enough to ensure scientific literacy in a world where ideas and
technology are changing rapidly (Hacker & Harris 1992). Projects that invite citizens to be .

To mow or to mow less: Lawn mowing frequency affects bee abundance and diversity in suburban yards

SB Lerman, AR Contosta, J Milam, C Bang
Biological Conservation, 2018 • Elsevier

Green spaces embedded within the urban matrix, particularly residential yards, could mitigate negative aspects of urban development and provide pollinator habitat. Lawns represent a dominant green space, and their management consists of frequent mowing to inhibit the growth of ostensibly …

Trees, shrubs, and vines for attracting birds

RM DeGraaf – 2002 –

Revised and updated, this new edition of a much sought-after classic remains the best
source for information about the trees, shrubs, and vines that provide bird habitats and …


Understanding the Impacts of Urbanization on the Avian Community of Portland Oregon and Evaluation of the Portland Oregon Backyard Habitat Certification Program

AD Gibbs – 2018 –

Over fifty percent of humans live in cities. The environmental cost of this is massive, as is the potential for utilizing privately held yards as an integral part of conservation in urban areas …


Urban cemeteries as shared habitats for people and nature: Reasons for visit, comforting experiences of nature, and preferences for cultural and natural features

TM StrakaM Mischo, KJS Petrick, I Kowarik, Land, 2022 •

Cemeteries are globally culturally protected greenspaces in cities that meet different societal needs and often harbor high biodiversity. To harness the potential of cemeteries as urban green infrastructure, stakeholders need to understand why people visit …


Urban comprehensive planning–identifying barriers for the maintenance of functional habitat networks

UG Sandström, P Angelstam, A Khakee – Landscape and urban planning, 2006 – Elsevier

Maintaining biodiversity requires a wise combination of protection, management and
recreation of habitats to secure representative and functional habitat networks. As …


Urban conservation gardening in the decade of restoration

J Segar, CT Callaghan, E Ladouceur,  JN Meya…  Nature …, 2022 –

Global commitments and policy interventions for conservation have failed to halt widespread
declines in plant biodiversity, …


Urban gardens as multifunctional nature-based solutions for societal goals in a changing climate

I Cabral, S Costa, U Weiland, A Bonn
Nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas …, 2017 •

Urban gardens can contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation through a range of provisioning, regulating, and cultural ecosystem services as multifunctional nature-based solutions in a city …


Urban grassland restoration: a neglected opportunity for biodiversity conservation

VH Klaus – Restoration Ecology, 2013 – Wiley Online Library

Urbanization is one of the most severe threats to biodiversity, so why should not we use
green space in cities to counteract the biodiversity loss as much as possible? Urban …


Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide

AK HahsB FournierMFJ AronsonCH Nilon… – Nature …, 2023 –

Cities can host significant biological diversity. Yet, urbanisation leads to the loss of habitats,
species, and functional groups. Understanding how multiple taxa respond to urbanisation

Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide (1.0. 0.[Dataset]

AK HahsB FournierMFJ AronsonCH Nilon… – 2023 –

Cities can host significant biological diversity. Yet, urbanisation leads to the loss of habitats,
species, and functional groups. Understanding how multiple taxa respond to urbanisation…


Urban habitats

CP Wheater – 1999 –

The author presents an illustrated and practical guide to the wide range of urban habitats
and the flora and fauna that live within them. The important conservation and management …


Urban landscape conservation and the role of ecological greenways at local and metropolitan scales

MM Bryant – Landscape and urban planning, 2006 – Elsevier

Greenways are promoted for land conservation in both rural and urban areas, but less
attention has been paid to the potential of greenways to serve urban biodiversity …


Urban landscapes and sustainable cities

E Andersson – Ecology and society, 2006 – JSTOR

Ecological research targeting sustainable urban landscapes needs to include findings and
methods from many lines of ecological research, such as the link between biodiversity and …


Urban reconciliation ecology: the potential of living roofs and walls

RA FrancisJ Lorimer – Journal of environmental management, 2011 – Elsevier

Reconciling human and non-human use of urban regions to support biological conservation
represents a major challenge for the 21st century. The concept of reconciliation ecology, by …


Using implementation and program theory to examine communication strategies in National Wildlife Federation’s Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program

D Palmer, SL Dann – Applied Environmental Education & …, 2004 – Taylor & Francis

Our evaluative approach used implementation theory and program theory, adapted from to
examine communication processes and results for a national wildlife habitat stewardship …

Winners and losers at enhanced urban roadsides: Trait-based structuring of wild bee communities at local and landscape scale

Simon Dietzel ,Sandra Rojas-Botero ,Anja DichtlJohannes Kollmann ,Christina Fischer

Chair of Restoration Ecology, TUM School of Life Sciences, Technical University of Munich, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising, Germany …